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Autism Complexities

a woman holding her child.

Beyond Words: Exploring Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) for Autism

For some individuals on the autism spectrum, verbal communication can be a significant challenge. This can lead to frustration, isolation, and hinder their ability to express themselves and connect with others. Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) offers a bridge, empowering individuals with autism to share their thoughts, wants, and needs effectively. What is AAC? AAC […]

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a man in a blue shirt.

Unsung Heroes: Siblings of Children with Autism

Growing up with a sibling is a journey marked by shared laughter, squabbles, and a unique bond that transcends time. However, when caring for a child with autism, the dynamics within the household undergo a distinct transformation. Amidst the challenges and triumphs of raising a child with autism and exploring autism recovery options, the experiences of

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Boy Leaning on a Chair Sleeping

The Power of Sleep: Biomedical Approaches to Addressing Sleep Disorders in Autism

Sleep disorders are common in individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), with up to 80% experiencing difficulties falling and staying asleep. Poor sleep can exacerbate many of the symptoms associated with ASD, including stimming, hyperactivity, and anxiety. In this blog, we will explore the prevalence of sleep disorders in autism, discuss biomedical strategies for improving

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A person eating a green and luscious salad.

Unlocking the Potential of Ketogenic Diet for Seizures in Autism

In the realm of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), seizures can be a distressing and challenging symptom for both individuals and their families. However, emerging research suggests a promising avenue for managing seizures in ASD: the ketogenic diet. Let’s delve into how this dietary approach could hold the key to unlocking improved seizure control and overall

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Anxiety written in Scrabble letters

Addressing Anxiety: Which Supplements Are Most Effective for Managing Anxiety in Autism

Anxiety is a prevalent challenge for individuals on the autism spectrum, often complicating daily life and interactions. Unlike typical anxiety disorders, anxiety in autism can stem from a variety of factors, including sensory sensitivities, social difficulties, and communication challenges. It’s essential to address and manage anxiety in autism comprehensively, considering both psychological and biochemical factors. Here’s a list

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Empathy in Action: Understanding and Addressing Challenging Autism Behaviors

Navigating the challenging behaviors associated with autism requires a compassionate and understanding approach. As a parent or caregiver, it’s crucial to cultivate empathy to effectively address and support your child. Here, we explore insightful approaches to comprehend and manage challenging autism behaviors at home, fostering a positive and supportive environment. 1. Recognize Triggers and Patterns Start by

Empathy in Action: Understanding and Addressing Challenging Autism Behaviors Read More »

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